May 8, 2021Great Idea: Make Your Piercings HappyIt's about time for us to go back to the office (not back to work, because - let's be real - we've still been working) and for some that...
Feb 18, 2020Make it Better: Gingerbread CookiesMy husband loves ginger. A lot of my recipes are taking something (a box mix) and improving it. So this mix is for gingerbread or GINGER...
Dec 20, 2019Great Idea: Grilled CheeseAah! The other day I wanted to make a grilled cheese with multiple cheeses. Usually I slice cheese and mix and match. Today I decided to...
Jun 22, 2014Great Idea: Brownies in a Muffin TinBefore the super awesome brownie pans were made and out on the market, I was making my brownies in a muffin tin. Don't pretend you aren't...
Jun 1, 2014Great Idea: The Right Way to Eat a CupcakeIn case you were wondering: this is the right way to eat a cupcake. I saw it in a group of life hacks a while ago and thought: I've been...
May 5, 2014Great Idea: Spaghetti StorageIf you are a loyal reader, you've already realized that I'm a super genius. Right? Here's a first-world problem: storing spaghetti in...
Apr 21, 2014Great Idea: Beth's Makeup Brush CleanerMy friend Beth came over today for craft day and I finally asked her for her makeup brush cleaner recipe. In theory you are supposed to...