My last day at the Bulletin was February 21 and I was so excited to have some time off to find a job and to catch up on some crafting. Today was my first day on the job and I am very pleased with the amount of things I was able to do during my vacation.
1: blog started
56: magazines read
19: movies watched
1: book finished
15: games bowled
3: seasons of Cougar Town devoured
16: blankets made (no joke - 2 for mom, 9 for Etsy, 2 for March of Dimes, 3 for Project Linus)
4: bracelets created
1: job acquired
2: dogs pampered
32: restful nights (and mornings) of sleep
1: house (mostly) cleaned
1: new favorite ice cream discovered: Ben & Jerry's Salted Caramel Core
I'm starting at Horse N Hound Feed N Supply as a marketing director (title pending). I will be doing event planning, social media, advertising, design and some other stuff. They're a local company that has been around since March 1983. We have been going there since we got our dogs, and love the customer service. I'm so happy to join a locally-owned family business and am looking forward to what I can do to help them be successful.